Tuesday, June 24, 2008

He Gave You Life

All the fiery stars in the heavens,
All you shining heavenly hosts,
Lift your voice in songs of praise,
To Him who deserves it most!

All the living peoples on Earth,
All who hate the one of strife,
Lift your hands in fervent praise,
To the one who gave you life!

Age 14

A Friend In Need

I've shed many tears for you,
But by God's grace I'm making it through.
God has put you on my heart.
It seems that we are worlds apart.
I miss seeing Christ in you.
I've prayed for you every passing day'
Giving you to God, choosing not to fear,
My love and prayers will never fade.
I hope your life is changed because of my prayers.
I'm on my knees when you're far away,
Even when you're close all I do is pray,
That God will guide you all the way
And you are still on my heart.
October 21, 2004 Age 16

The Choice Within

One step forward, two back,
Discouragement steps in.
The enemy's there launching attack,
Reminding you of your sin.
Can you ignore this truth,
When it is waved before your face?
Your life is living proof.
You writhe in the bog of disgrace.
"You are stuck, there's no way out",
The enemy smirks and lies.
A spark of light within, it shouts,
"Look up, your Savior dies!"
A cross, a storm, the world goes black.
Has Satan actually won?
A trumpet sounds, the dark melts back.
Here comes the King, God's only son!
An eternal inheritance He freely gives,
A choice of joy or despair.
I look at both, I choose to live.
Now He will guide me with loving care.
November 17, 2004 Age 17

My Hills

Whenever life seems to hard to bear,
Guess where I go?
I run to the mountains, my Savior is there.
That's one thing I know!

If ever I am to happy for words,
What do I do?
I go to the mountains to sing with the birds.
My mountains are true!

Whenever I feel a need to be with God,
Where do I flee?
Up that hill yet again I will trod.
That's where I'll be!

I ever I'm empty or lonely inside,
There's one place that fills.
I visit the mountains with arms open wide.
I run to my hills!

January 5, 2005 Age 17

A Child Of Hell

I read a biography about Stalin of Russia when I was seventeen. It was a school assignment. I didn't feel that a report, on the book, would show the kind of emotion and rage that gripped me as I uncovered these chapters of history. No, only a poem could come close to showing what I felt about Stalin and the knowledge of his hellish reign over Russia. So my wonderful Mom let me write a poem instead of a book report.

A Child Of Hell
A child of Hell was born to man
Akin to mud
He would follow Satan's dream
With hellish laughter, his eyes would gleam
For he'd make all demons scream
For love of blood
He ruled the land of Russia
With only death
He had no heart at all
Starved his people, made them crawl
Made them cannibals, else they fall
With dying breath
He never let his people
Vote or choose
For only he knew what was right
And disagree if you might
But you'd die because he'd fight
For his views
Who was this living terror
With ready gun?
Stalin was his horrid name
He mocked God and held no shame
And tortured Christians for a game
He thought was fun
In torrents fell a river
Of heavens tears
And the Earth, it cringed and quivered
And begged to be delivered
From this man of blood, it shivered
Through those years.
February 2005

Giving My Thoughts To God

Lord you know that today
I've had much on my mind.
Capture my thoughts
So I can leave them behind.
I feel so confused
My thoughts aren't just right.
God, I beg for your peace.
I am weary of this fight.
Untangle my thoughts
And bring them to rest.
I give you my dreams.
I just want your best.
Grant me your wisdom
On Earth where I stay.
Teach me your thoughts.
Lord, come have your way.
June 2, 2005 Age 17

God Is Love

Love is all we have to cling to.
We share joy, we share pain.
This life is full of these two,
But there is more for us to gain.

We must go through all these things,
To inherit all that Christ is giving
And enter heaven and all that brings,
So we will know a deeper living.

Written on June 12, 2005 Age 17